Building and Deploying a Weather Web Application onto Kubernetes/Red Hat OpenShift using Eclipse JKube

Note: This blog is a part of blog Series: Deploying Java applications onto Kubernetes using Eclipse JKube

Deploying Web Applications onto Kubernetes using Eclipse JKube

I recently saw a blogpost on IBM Developer about deploying an OpenLiberty cloud-native application onto Kubernetes using Eclipse Codewind . I thought it would be nice idea to showcase something similar with Eclipse JKube on how we can achieve the same goal with local development perspective. I have already written a blogpost about deploying OpenLiberty application on top of Kubernetes using Eclipse JKube. So I migrated it to a very basic web application using Jboss Servlet API 4.0 to demonstrate how Eclipse JKube deploys web applications onto Kubernetes/ Red Hat OpenShift smoothly.

This application is a port of IBM/build-deploy-cloud-native-application-using-cp4a. It does the same thing as that application but uses basic HttpServlet based on Jboss Servlet API 4.0. It displays a basic html form for getting details for weather and in order to fetch weather details it queries OpenWeatherMap using REST API.

One notable difference in my project and their project is how OpenWeatherMap REST API access token is handled. I saw that project used in the IBM Codewind blog has hardcoded API token inside their source(which is not quite Cloud-Native in my opinion 😉 ). Ideally we should be using Kubernetes Secrets to store sensitive information like these. Other difference is that I would be using Eclipse JKube to deploy it to Kubernetes and Red Hat OpenShift.

Project Structure:

All right, let’s look at the project structure. I have two source files APIKeyService and WeatherServlet which contain all the logic for the application. Other notable file is index.html inside src/main/webapp which shows default page on application root endpoint. There are two yaml files inside src/main/jkube . I would explain them later when I come to deploying to Kubernetes section.

weather-web-application : $ tree src/
└── main
    ├── java
    │   └── org
    │       └── jboss
    │           └── as
    │               └── quickstarts
    │                   └── helloworld
    │                       └──
    ├── jkube
    │   ├── apikey-secret.yml
    │   └── deployment.yml
    └── webapp
        ├── index.html
        └── WEB-INF
            ├── beans.xml
            └── web.xml

10 directories, 6 files

let’s take a look at it is handler of endpoint /getWeather, basically index.html calls this endpoint for fetching weather details of a specified location, it just fetches city, longitude and latitude from query parameters and hits OpenWeather API with those parameters. While requesting OpenWeatherAPI, it fetches token from APIKeyService:

import okhttp3.HttpUrl;
import okhttp3.OkHttpClient;
import okhttp3.Request;
import okhttp3.Response;

import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;

import javax.servlet.annotation.WebServlet;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;

public class WeatherServlet extends HttpServlet {
    private static final String OPENWEATHERMAP_WEATHER = "";
    public static final String CITY = "getCity";
    private static final String LAT = "lat";
    private static final String LON = "lon";
    private static final String OPENWEATHERMAP_CITY_PARAM = "q";
    private static final String OPENWEATHERMAP_APPID_PARAM = "appid";
    public static final String APITOKEN_ENV_VAR = "OPENWEATHER_API_KEY";

    protected void doGet(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp) throws IOException {
        Map<String, String> queryParamMap = getQueryParameters(req);
        String response = performGetToWeatherAPI(queryParamMap);

        PrintWriter writer = resp.getWriter();

    private String performGetToWeatherAPI(Map<String, String> queryParamMap) {
        OkHttpClient client = new OkHttpClient();
        HttpUrl httpUrl = getWeatherQueryUrl(queryParamMap);
        Request request = new Request.Builder()

        try (Response response = client.newCall(request).execute()) {
            if (response.isSuccessful() && response.body() != null) {
                return response.body().string();
            } else {
                return "{\"message\": \"Nothing received from OpenWeather API. url: "+httpUrl.toString() +"\", }";
        } catch (IOException exception) {
            return "{\"message\": \"error in connecting to OpenWeather API. url:" + httpUrl.toString() + " " + exception.getMessage() + "}";

    private HttpUrl getWeatherQueryUrl(Map<String, String> queryParamMap) {
        HttpUrl.Builder httpUrlBuilder = HttpUrl.get(OPENWEATHERMAP_WEATHER).newBuilder();
        if (queryParamMap.containsKey(CITY)) {
            httpUrlBuilder.addQueryParameter(OPENWEATHERMAP_CITY_PARAM, queryParamMap.get(CITY));
        if (queryParamMap.containsKey(LAT) && queryParamMap.containsKey(LON)) {
            httpUrlBuilder.addQueryParameter(LAT, queryParamMap.get(LAT));
            httpUrlBuilder.addQueryParameter(LON, queryParamMap.get(LON));
        httpUrlBuilder.addQueryParameter(OPENWEATHERMAP_APPID_PARAM, System.getenv(APITOKEN_ENV_VAR));

    private Map<String, String> getQueryParameters(HttpServletRequest request) {
        Map<String, String> result = new HashMap<>();
        String queryParameterString = request.getQueryString();
        String[] queryParameterStringParts = queryParameterString.split("&");
        for (String queryParameterStringPart : queryParameterStringParts) {
            String[] singleQueryParameterParts = queryParameterStringPart.split("=");
            result.put(singleQueryParameterParts[0], singleQueryParameterParts[1]);
        return result;

Deploying to Kubernetes:

Okay, we know application structure now so we can proceed to deploying it onto Kubernetes. You might need to get an API key from OpenWeatherMap website. We will be storing our API Key inside a Kubernetes Secret and we’ll configure our project’s Deployment to pick this Secret. Eclipse JKube provides a very powerful Kubernetes resources configuration mechanism called Resource Fragments. You can place any Kubernetes YAML manifest or a fragment of it inside src/main/jkube directory and it would be merged/created by Eclipse JKube during resource creation phase. So first we would place our secret file inside jkube directory:


apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: apikeysecret
type: Opaque
  # Your API Token Base 64 encoded
  apitoken: MjI3NjQ1NDY5NDkxNzQxOGVhNWJhY2RmZmE0OWUxMDE=

Okay, with this Eclipse JKube would create a secret during it’s resource apply phase along with your application’s Deployment. But we also need to tell Eclipse JKube to use this Secret inside our Deployment. So we will just provide a fragment of our Deployment YAML spec to add Secret as an environment variable(see kubernetes docs about this topic). Here is how our Deployment fragment would look like(notice that we haven’t provided anything extra, we only provided the parts we wanted to override in resulting Deployment fragment:


      - env:
        - name: OPENWEATHER_API_KEY
              name: apikeysecret
              key: apitoken

With this, now our application Pods would have environment variable named OPENWEATHER_API_KEY which would contain Api Key for interacting with OpenWeatherMap API.

Okay, we’re all set to deploy our application onto Kubernetes, I have provided Eclipse JKube into <plugins> section of my pom.xml:


I can now go ahead and issue JKube goals for creating a docker image, creating Kubernetes manifests and applying them onto Kubernetes Cluster

mvn k8s:build k8s:resource k8s:apply

weather-web-application : $ mvn k8s:build k8s:resource k8s:apply
[INFO] Scanning for projects...
[INFO] -------------< org.eclipse.jkube:weather-web-application >--------------
[INFO] Building Simple Weather Application 1.0.0-SNAPSHOT
[INFO] --------------------------------[ war ]---------------------------------
[INFO] --- kubernetes-maven-plugin:1.0.0-rc-1:build (default-cli) @ weather-web-application ---
[INFO] k8s: Running in Kubernetes mode
[INFO] k8s: Building Docker image in Kubernetes mode
[INFO] k8s: Running generator webapp
[INFO] k8s: webapp: Using as base image for webapp
[INFO] k8s: [jkube/weather-web-application:latest] "webapp": Created docker-build.tar in 42 milliseconds
[INFO] k8s: [jkube/weather-web-application:latest] "webapp": Built image sha256:0bfd7
[INFO] k8s: [jkube/weather-web-application:latest] "webapp": Tag with latest
[INFO] --- kubernetes-maven-plugin:1.0.0-rc-1:resource (default-cli) @ weather-web-application ---
[INFO] k8s: Running generator webapp
[INFO] k8s: webapp: Using as base image for webapp
[INFO] k8s: using resource templates from /home/rohaan/work/repos/weather-web-application/src/main/jkube
[INFO] k8s: jkube-service: Adding a default service 'weather-web-application' with ports [8080]
[INFO] k8s: jkube-revision-history: Adding revision history limit to 2
[INFO] --- kubernetes-maven-plugin:1.0.0-rc-1:apply (default-cli) @ weather-web-application ---
[INFO] k8s: Using Kubernetes at in namespace default with manifest /home/rohaan/work/repos/weather-web-application/target/classes/META-INF/jkube/kubernetes.yml 
[INFO] k8s: Using namespace: default
[INFO] k8s: Using namespace: default
[INFO] k8s: Creating a Secret from kubernetes.yml namespace default name apikeysecret
[INFO] k8s: Created Secret: target/jkube/applyJson/default/secret-apikeysecret.json
[INFO] k8s: Creating a Service from kubernetes.yml namespace default name weather-web-application
[INFO] k8s: Created Service: target/jkube/applyJson/default/service-weather-web-application.json
[INFO] k8s: Creating a Deployment from kubernetes.yml namespace default name weather-web-application
[INFO] k8s: Created Deployment: target/jkube/applyJson/default/deployment-weather-web-application.json
[INFO] k8s: HINT: Use the command `kubectl get pods -w` to watch your pods start up
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Total time:  9.016 s
[INFO] Finished at: 2020-08-30T21:54:22+05:30
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------

Note that Eclipse JKube detected that it’s a web application and used Apache Tomcat as a base image for application. It also created an opinionated Deployment and Service(with minor configuration provided in src/main/jkube fragments). You can check all created Kubernetes resources once goals have finished their execution:

weather-web-application : $ kubectl get all
NAME                                          READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
pod/weather-web-application-cf6d4b4ff-pwrfc   1/1     Running   0          2m35s

NAME                              TYPE        CLUSTER-IP     EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)          AGE
service/kubernetes                ClusterIP      <none>        443/TCP          3m37s
service/weather-web-application   NodePort   <none>        8080:30424/TCP   2m35s

NAME                                      READY   UP-TO-DATE   AVAILABLE   AGE
deployment.apps/weather-web-application   1/1     1            1           2m35s

NAME                                                DESIRED   CURRENT   READY   AGE
replicaset.apps/weather-web-application-cf6d4b4ff   1         1         1       2m35s

Once your application Pods are in Running state you can expect your application to be ready for serving requests. Eclipse JKube also generates a Service for exposing your application pods. By default it creates a Service of type ClusterIP, but I added a property in my project jkube.enricher.jkube-service.type=NodePort in order to override this. This way we would be able to access application from outside of minikube:

weather-web-application : $ MINIKUBE_IP=`minikube ip`
weather-web-application : $ WEATHER_WEB_APP_PORT=`kubectl get svc weather-web-application -ojsonpath='{.spec.ports[0].nodePort}'`
weather-web-application : $ firefox $MINIKUBE_IP:$WEATHER_WEB_APP_PORT

If everything goes as expected, you can see your application running in your browser like this:

Weather Application running inside Minikube

You can clean up all the resources created using Eclipse JKube undeploy goal:

mvn k8s:undeploy

weather-web-application : $ mvn k8s:undeploy
[INFO] Scanning for projects...
[INFO] -------------< org.eclipse.jkube:weather-web-application >--------------
[INFO] Building Simple Weather Application 1.0.0-SNAPSHOT
[INFO] --------------------------------[ war ]---------------------------------
[INFO] --- kubernetes-maven-plugin:1.0.0-rc-1:undeploy (default-cli) @ weather-web-application ---
[INFO] k8s: Using Kubernetes at in namespace default with manifest /home/rohaan/work/repos/weather-web-application/target/classes/META-INF/jkube/kubernetes.yml 
[INFO] k8s: Using namespace: default
[INFO] k8s: Deleting resource Deployment default/weather-web-application
[INFO] k8s: Deleting resource Service default/weather-web-application
[INFO] k8s: Deleting resource Secret default/apikeysecret
[INFO] k8s: HINT: Use the command `kubectl get pods -w` to watch your pods start up
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Total time:  4.070 s
[INFO] Finished at: 2020-08-30T22:09:26+05:30
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
weather-web-application : $ 

Deploying onto Red Hat OpenShift:

Deploying application onto Red Hat OpenShift is no different from deploying onto Kubernetes. Eclipse JKube offers a separate plugin for OpenShift which works in a similar way to Kubernetes plugin.


mvn oc:build oc:resource oc:apply

weather-web-application : $ mvn oc:build oc:resource oc:apply
[INFO] Scanning for projects...
[INFO] -------------< org.eclipse.jkube:weather-web-application >--------------
[INFO] Building Simple Weather Application 1.0.0-SNAPSHOT
[INFO] --------------------------------[ war ]---------------------------------
[INFO] --- openshift-maven-plugin:1.0.0-rc-1:build (default-cli) @ weather-web-application ---
[INFO] oc: Using OpenShift build with strategy S2I
[INFO] oc: Running in OpenShift mode
[INFO] oc: Running generator webapp
[INFO] oc: webapp: Using as base image for webapp
[INFO] oc: [weather-web-application:latest] "webapp": Created docker source tar /home/rohaan/work/repos/weather-web-application/target/docker/weather-web-application/latest/tmp/docker-build.tar
[INFO] oc: Adding to Secret pullsecret-jkube
[INFO] oc: Using Secret pullsecret-jkube
[INFO] oc: Creating BuildServiceConfig weather-web-application-s2i for Source build
[INFO] oc: Adding to ImageStream weather-web-application
[INFO] oc: Starting Build weather-web-application-s2i
[INFO] oc: Waiting for build weather-web-application-s2i-1 to complete...
[INFO] oc: Using as the s2i builder image
[INFO] oc: tar: scripts: time stamp 2020-08-30 16:13:49 is 0.271696204 s in the future
[INFO] oc: tar: src/.s2i/environment: time stamp 2020-08-30 16:13:49 is 0.27022746 s in the future
[INFO] oc: tar: src/.s2i: time stamp 2020-08-30 16:13:49 is 0.27017005 s in the future
[INFO] oc: tar: src/Dockerfile: time stamp 2020-08-30 16:13:49 is 0.270095083 s in the future
[INFO] oc: tar: src/deployments/ROOT.war: time stamp 2020-08-30 16:13:49 is 0.265381556 s in the future
[INFO] oc: tar: src/deployments: time stamp 2020-08-30 16:13:49 is 0.265313505 s in the future
[INFO] oc: tar: src: time stamp 2020-08-30 16:13:49 is 0.265279047 s in the future
[INFO] oc: + SRC_DIR=/tmp/src/
[INFO] oc: + copy_dir bin
[INFO] oc: + local src=/tmp/src//bin
[INFO] oc: + [ -d /tmp/src//bin ]
[INFO] oc: + copy_dir deployments
[INFO] oc: + local src=/tmp/src//deployments
[INFO] oc: + [ -d /tmp/src//deployments ]
[INFO] oc: + echo copying /tmp/src//deployments to /deployments
[INFO] oc: copying /tmp/src//deployments to /deployments
[INFO] oc: + cp -a /tmp/src//deployments/ROOT.war /deployments
[INFO] oc: + copy_dir maven
[INFO] oc: + local src=/tmp/src//maven
[INFO] oc: + [ -d /tmp/src//maven ]
[INFO] oc: 
[INFO] oc: Pushing image ...
[INFO] oc: Pushed 2/12 layers, 17% complete
[INFO] oc: Pushed 3/12 layers, 25% complete
[INFO] oc: Pushed 4/12 layers, 34% complete
[INFO] oc: Pushed 5/12 layers, 50% complete
[INFO] oc: Pushed 6/12 layers, 58% complete
[INFO] oc: Pushed 7/12 layers, 67% complete
[INFO] oc: Pushed 8/12 layers, 75% complete
[INFO] oc: Pushed 9/12 layers, 83% complete
[INFO] oc: Pushed 10/12 layers, 92% complete
[INFO] oc: Pushed 11/12 layers, 100% complete
[INFO] oc: Pushed 12/12 layers, 100% complete
[INFO] oc: Push successful
[INFO] oc: Build weather-web-application-s2i-1 in status Complete
[INFO] oc: Found tag on ImageStream weather-web-application tag: sha256:6e13df601a856ba9264cccaeb5c10dcbad0d66ed6ac9509ad37fb83c039becf8
[INFO] oc: ImageStream weather-web-application written to /home/rohaan/work/repos/weather-web-application/target/weather-web-application-is.yml
[INFO] --- openshift-maven-plugin:1.0.0-rc-1:resource (default-cli) @ weather-web-application ---
[INFO] oc: Using docker image name of namespace: rokumar
[INFO] oc: Running generator webapp
[INFO] oc: webapp: Using as base image for webapp
[INFO] oc: using resource templates from /home/rohaan/work/repos/weather-web-application/src/main/jkube
[INFO] oc: jkube-service: Adding a default service 'weather-web-application' with ports [8080]
[INFO] oc: jkube-revision-history: Adding revision history limit to 2
[INFO] oc: validating /home/rohaan/work/repos/weather-web-application/target/classes/META-INF/jkube/openshift/apikeysecret-secret.yml resource
[INFO] oc: validating /home/rohaan/work/repos/weather-web-application/target/classes/META-INF/jkube/openshift/weather-web-application-route.yml resource
[INFO] oc: validating /home/rohaan/work/repos/weather-web-application/target/classes/META-INF/jkube/openshift/weather-web-application-deploymentconfig.yml resource
[INFO] oc: validating /home/rohaan/work/repos/weather-web-application/target/classes/META-INF/jkube/openshift/weather-web-application-service.yml resource
[INFO] --- openshift-maven-plugin:1.0.0-rc-1:apply (default-cli) @ weather-web-application ---
[INFO] oc: Using OpenShift at in namespace rokumar with manifest /home/rohaan/work/repos/weather-web-application/target/classes/META-INF/jkube/openshift.yml 
[INFO] oc: OpenShift platform detected
[INFO] oc: Using project: rokumar
[INFO] oc: Using project: rokumar
[INFO] oc: Creating a Secret from openshift.yml namespace rokumar name apikeysecret
[INFO] oc: Created Secret: target/jkube/applyJson/rokumar/secret-apikeysecret-1.json
[INFO] oc: Creating a Service from openshift.yml namespace rokumar name weather-web-application
[INFO] oc: Created Service: target/jkube/applyJson/rokumar/service-weather-web-application-1.json
[INFO] oc: Creating a DeploymentConfig from openshift.yml namespace rokumar name weather-web-application
[INFO] oc: Created DeploymentConfig: target/jkube/applyJson/rokumar/deploymentconfig-weather-web-application-1.json
[INFO] oc: Creating Route rokumar:weather-web-application host: null
[INFO] oc: HINT: Use the command `oc get pods -w` to watch your pods start up
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Total time:  38.868 s
[INFO] Finished at: 2020-08-30T21:44:12+05:30
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------

You can check your pods once goals have finished their execution:

weather-web-application : $ oc get pods
NAME                                  READY     STATUS      RESTARTS   AGE
weather-web-application-1-cmf82       1/1       Running     0          1m
weather-web-application-s2i-1-build   0/1       Completed   0          1m

Once pod are in Running state, you can expect your application to be ready for receiving requests. Eclipse JKube generates an OpenShift Route with which you can access your application with ease:

weather-web-application : $ oc get routes
NAME                      HOST/PORT                                                        PATH      SERVICES                  PORT      TERMINATION   WILDCARD
weather-web-application             weather-web-application   8080                    None
weather-web-application : $ firefox
weather-web-application : $ 

If everything goes as expected you can see an application page like this and start testing the application.

Basic Weather Application deployed into OpenShift with Eclipse JKube

You can clean up all the created resource using Eclipse JKube undeploy goal for OpenShift:

mvn oc:undeploy

It’s output is similar to k8s:undeploy go I’m skipping it.


This concludes today’s blog. I hope it would be helpful for people who are interested in deploying their web applications onto Kubernetes with ease. You can find the project used in the blog here:

Come Join Us:

We value your feedback a lot so please report bugs, ask for improvements…​ Let’s build something great together!

If you are a Eclipse JKube user or just curious, don’t be shy and join our welcoming community:

Published by रोहन कुमार

रेड हैट में सॉफ्टवेयर इंजीनियर मैं चंडीगढ़, भारत का एक युवा प्रोग्रामर हूं। मुझे विश्वविद्यालय में प्रोग्रामिंग के लिए पेश किया गया था। मेरी पसंदीदा भाषा C++ है। लेकिन मैंने जावास्क्रिप्ट (Node.js) और जावा पर व्यावसायिक रूप से भी काम किया है। इन दिनों मैं कुबेरनेट्स के शीर्ष पर जावा डेवलपर्स के अनुभव को बेहतर बनाने वाली रेडहैट में काम कर रहा हूं। यदि आप एक जावा डेवलपर हैं जो कुबेरनेट्स / ओपेंशिफ्ट में परियोजनाओं को स्थानांतरित करने की कोशिश कर रहा है। आपको मेरी परियोजनाएँ उपयोगी लग सकती हैं।आप मेरे गिठब प्रोफाइल पर मेरे ज्यादातर काम पा सकते हैं। यह पृष्ठ अन्य भाषाओं में भी उपलब्ध है: अंग्रेज़ी(EN):

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